Free & Open Pipes
for Podcasting

Prefix manager powered by PrebidPrefix manager powered by Prebid
Complete, customizable control and access to your podcast traffic, making it easy for you to work with advertising, attribution, and other partners of your choice — while also providing you with reliable, 3rd party metrics & insights about your listeners.
Create a Free Account

Supercharge your podcast regardless of where it's hosted.

Prefix manager partners
Prefix manager partners

How It Works?

install gif


Prefix Manager as
your main prefix.
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Your analytics, ad partners,

and monetization platforms.
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And optimize your podcast’s performance and revenue streams with ease.
Prefix Manager UIPrefix Manager UI

Simple Pricing

$0.00001 per download

Why Prefix Manager?

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One Prefix to Rule Them All

Say goodbye to juggling multiple prefixes. With Prefix Manager, all you need is one prefix, which then triggers any other prefix you want behind the scenes, automatically.
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Supercharge Your Monetization

Maximize your revenue with built-in Prebid functionality, connecting your podcast to the largest buying platforms in the world. Now you can easily tap into premium ad markets without relying on your hosting platform.
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Decouple Monetization from Hosting

Take control of your monetization strategy. Prefix Manager allows you to separate ad management and revenue tracking from your podcast hosting provider, giving you full independence and flexibility.
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Flexible & Customizable

Whether you’re using analytics tools, dynamic ad insertion, or other third-party integrations, Prefix Manager handles it 
all effortlessly.
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Real Time Data
& Insights

Get instant feedback and insights into your podcast’s performance, ad metrics, and listener behavior, all from a single dashboard.
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Prefix Manager easily integrates with all major podcast hosting platforms and ad networks, allowing you to maintain full control without the technical headache.